Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Effect of United States Army Training on the Decision Making Research Paper

The Effect of United States Army Training on the Decision Making Process of the Warfighter - Research Paper Example It will also be necessary to determine whether or not success in the classroom or on the field environment equates with success in the battlefield. The methods described by Benyus (2009), Fischer (2009), Gill (2004), and Robbins (2009) will be compared and contrasted in relation to methodology in relation to training. Abstract Depth An annotated bibliography of 15 peer-reviewed articles probes current thinking on training and the resultant decision influences through a filter of successful training sessions. An analysis of Department of the Army research data demonstrates that there is a problem of declining standards in Advanced Individual Training. The declining standards are manifested in the graduates being unable make sound judgment calls in combat situations when they are assigned to units deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan. Building on the material covered in the Breadth section and drawing on recent research material, a synthesized analysis of combat training and its influence on decision-making is conducted. This research study scrutinizes assessment tools that assist teachers and trainers in providing curriculum that is both informative and challenging to the learner. Abstract Application The Application considers the extent to which the training techniques employed to educate and train today’s combat soldiers are in need of improvement. Drawing on the material analyzed in the depth and breadth, the Application section examines the methodology used to train the soldier and how it has changed very little over the years. The application examines whether or not the end result of these techniques is poor decision making during the high stress of combat and its contribution to causes an increase in the number of casualties on the battlefield. The application determines whether or not an improvement of these methods will result in better decision making. This section will present a clear model for an approach to training for military and corporate tra iners. A complete overhaul of current training practices is not suggested, but rather, an upgrade designed to yield the desired outcome. This section will provide the culmination of the prior entries and present a workable model as the summary. TABLE OF CONTENTS BREADTH 4 What is Training? 4 Training’s shortcomings 5 A Trainer’s Cure 9 Initial Entry Training 15 Army Training Requirements 15 Field Training Exercise 23 Simulated War Fighter Games 23 Applying Benyus’ Theory of Biomimicry to Military Training 27 Biomimicry Theory Explained 27 The Training Theory of Fisher 31 Fisher’s Theory Explained 31 Gill’s Training Theory 33 Gill’s Theory Explained 33 Training Theory of Robbins 35 Robbins Theory Explained 35 Summary of Breadth 37 DEPTH 39 Annotated Bibliography 39 Literature Review Essay 59 Goals and Objectives of Training Combat Soldiers 59 Nature and Significance of Decision-Making in the Battlefield 62 What Improvements can be made to Arm y Training to Enhance Decision-Making 66 Summary of Depth 68 APPLICATION 69 Project Details 69 Ongoing Developments in Military Training

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Different Flood Myths

The Different Flood Myths In the following essay, I am going to examine the flood myth that is written in The Epic of Gilgamesh, and compare its similarities and differences to the one that is found in the Book of Genesis. In both works, there is an immense flood that engulfs the earth. The question that remains to be answered is, is this the same flood recorded in both texts? The corresponding elements that occur between both texts have been somewhat of a puzzling issue for some researchers. On first speculation, it would be fair to say that both coincide with each other due to the major similarity between them. However, subtle differences could prove otherwise. The flood myth in The Epic of Gilgamesh was written somewhere around 2750 and 2500 BCE  [1]  , whereas the Book of Genesis 6-9 was written around 500BC  [2]  . It could be said that the Biblical authors were aware of the flood recorded on Tablet XI and may have adapted it to correspond with the writings of the Biblical text. Alexander Heidel explores three central theories about how the two accounts may be linked. He states that first, the Babylonians borrowed from the Hebrew account; second, the Hebrew account is dependent on the Babylonian; third, both are descended from a common original.  [3]  Heidel goes on to say that because The Epic of Gilgamesh was written before the Book of Genesis The most widely accepted explanation today is the second, namely, that the biblical account is based on Babylonian material.  [4]  However, a theory of this nature causes some controversy within the Christian faith as it could be said that it mat question the reliability of the Bible. As I have previously stated, both myths share many of the same elements. Merrill F. Unger believes that when comparing the two, there are certain components that have to be looked at, in order to create and understanding of both accounts; the first being that the flood was planned by the god in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis . Secondly, that a warning was given to both protagonists prior to the flood happening. Thirdly, is that the flood is connected with the destruction of mankind. Another being, the protagonist and his family were allowed to escape from the disaster. The building of the vessel to protect various life-forms is another. Also, what should be noted is the physical destruction of each flood and the duration of it. The landing place of the boat should also be mentioned and the releasing of the birds. Finally, the last similar element that should be discussed are the sacrifices the heros presented to their gods and what they received in return.  [5]  Although these similarities cannot be ignored, Kenneth A. Kitchen says that there are also many differences that run through each of the flood accounts, even though the general similarities suggest a definite relationship between the two traditions.  [6]  Kitchen goes on to say that it is these differences that provides a clear view of w hy the flood happened, that they define the characters of the gods and protagonists. By using specific details such as, the landing places of the ships, the releasing of the birds, numbers and genders of the surviving animals and humans and the building of the ships, we can compare the differences, enabling one to study the relationship between the flood accounts in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis.  [7]  Both stories tell a tale about a righteous figure who is informed by divine beings that a great flood is going to destroy the earth. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the main protagonist of this myth, Utnapishtim, is met by Gilgamesh whilst on his journey in pursuit of immortality. Utnapishtim is asked by Gilgamesh how he became immortal and that is when he tells him about the flood that happened in a city called Shurrupak, which stands on the banks of the river Euphrates.  [8]  It is the noise that man makes the Gods deem to be intolerable, so they decide to eli minate all of mankind. The god of waters, Ea, is the one to warn Utnapishtim of what is about to come.  [9]  In the Book of Genesis, God recognises how man has become wicked, so in turn, God feels it necessary to flood the earth and be rid of man. We learn that Noah is seen by God as a righteous man and is spared, [Noah]found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  [10]  Noah is then told by God to build an ark and take both his family and two of every animal with him. The first similarity to notice here is the use of divine involvement in both myths. However, it is here where a difference occurs. In the Book of Genesis, it is evident that monotheism (only one god) is present. Whereas, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, it is clear to see that polytheism is visible (more than one god). As stated previously, the gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh want to flush out mankind because of their noise. The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reasons of the babel  [11]  . While in Genesis, God floods the earth because of the wickedness of man. It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.  [12]  I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. . . .  [13]   In addition to this, mans fate is to die in the epic, yet in Genesis, Noah tries to save the evil by preaching to them. This again is a striking difference between the two myths. Additionally to this, in both the Book of Genesis and The Epic of Gilgamesh, the hero of the story is warned prior to facing the major disaster and vessels are built to shield them from the catastrophic flood, to maintain the life of each species. Utnapishtim is told not to take anything of worth on the boat, but does so anyway. Like in the Book of Genesis, animals are taken on the boat and the storm continues for six days and nights.  [14]  In the epic, Utnapishtim is warned though a dream by Ea, whereas God tells Noah about the coming flood in G enesis, and it rains for forty days and forty nights. Something that can also be found in both accounts is the use of the number seven. In the Book of Genesis the world was created in seven days. The number seven also appears in the flood account. After seven days the waters of the flood were upon the earth  [15]  . This is also apparent in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Although the rain only lasts for six days and six nights, when the storm calms and the boat lands, it remains there for seven days. In the epic, the storm calms on the seventh day and the boat stops at the mountain of Nisir. After a week, Utnapishtim releases birds from the boat. This is also parallel to what happens in the Book of Genesis. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim releases three birds from the vessel. First he releases a dove which returns because there is no food or resting place. A wallow is then sent out, but still returns. Then finally, a raven is set free and does not return, meaning it has found land and food. I loosed a dovebut finding no resting-place she returnedthen I loosed a swallow, and she flew away but finding no resting-place she returnedI loosed a ravenand she did not come back  [16]  . In the Book of Genesis, Noah also does this but only using two birds. First a raven that returns and secondly a dove that brings back an olive branch. It could be said that the olive branch is used as a symbol of peace and that mankinds suffering has now come to an end.  [17]  In addition, a raven could be seen as a messenger of the gods, so by using this particular species of bird in each myth, it highlights the powers that the deities have in both texts. However, the subtle difference is that in the Book of Genesis, the raven was unsuccessful, whereas in Gilgamesh it was the raven who found land. This could link to my earlier point that in the epic, that the fate of mankind will always lay in the hands of the gods. Yet, in Genesis, the symbol of peace, suggests that God has put an end to the punishment of mankind and will let them begin a new life. Another similarity is that both Utnapishtim, in the epic, and Noah, in Genesis thank the Gods for sparing them from the flood. However, they offer their thanks in different ways. In Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim pours out a libation on the top of the mountain.  [18]  Yet, Noah builds an altar for God. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord  [19]  . Furthermore, both protagonists make a sacrifice once the flood had ended. In the Book of Genesis, Noah is told by God to leave the ark, Leave the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives  [20]  Noah then makes a sacrifice to God by burning some animals on the altar that he made. In The Epic of Gilgamesh a sacrifice is also made to the Gods. Yet, when Utnapishtim offers a sacrifice, Enlil is enraged because Utnapishtim was excluded from the destruction of all man. Then Ea persuades Enlil that Utnapishtim escaped through his own means, and Utnapishtim is then granted immortality by Enlil. Finally, there is a symbol shown, in both texts, to indicate that the earth will not be flooded by the gods again. In Gilgamesh there is a necklace and it is exclaimed that the gods will not forget these days  [21]  . Whereas in Genesis a rainbow appears. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.  [22]  Both flood accounts in The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis are extremely alike as well as possessing major differences. As the source of each flood story differs between the two, there can be some conclusions brought up about the Babylonian culture in comparison to the Hebrew culture. As stated previously, polytheism is apparent throughout the Babylonian culture and they believe that the gods are separate from each other and that they have restricted power. So, the people cannot always rely on the gods to be rewarding to the serving and the just. Additionally, monotheism is u sed within the Hebrew culture, where God is seen as almighty, that his power is unrestricted and he is good. The belief is that God created the world that is orderly and therefore rewards men who worship him. However, this theory is dependent on each individuals personal moral grounds. What I wanted to examine throughout this essay is the relationship between the flood myths that occur in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis. There are three theories that could possibly link the two that I would like to discuss; the first being that The Epic of Gilgamesh may have been derived from the Genesis account. However, the epic flood myth was written long before the one found in Genesis. So, because of the dates in which both of the flood accounts were written, this theory has been disproved. Another hypothesis that may link the two is that the account found in the Book of Genesis may have been taken from the one found in The Epic of Gilgamesh and altered slightly. Conversely, this theory poses some major complications. If this were true, then the writer of the Genesis account would have had to thoroughly go over the Epic and change many of its components. Things such as the reason why the gods decided to cause the flood, changing it to a righteous motivation. Also, descriptions of the flood would have had to be altered, making it to be universal so the whole account would be credible. Lastly, changing the use of polytheism to a completely monotheistic world would have been very difficult. So, even though there are major mirroring images between the two, this would have been almost impossible to recreate, rendering this theory to be inconceivable. The most plausible possibility is the third theory, that both of the flood accounts may have come from one event. Kenneth A. Kitchen believes that it is probable that The Hebrew and Babylonian accounts may go back to a common ancient tradition, but are not borrowed directly from each other.  [23]  After cons idering all of the similar and dissimilar elements of both texts, it seems that in The Epic of Gilgamesh, a warped account of an event was recorded, which lost its historical precision and it could be said, that the version recorded in the Book of Genesis may be a more precise report of the disaster. So, to conclude, after comparing the two accounts of the flood in each text, it is evident that there is a relationship between the two, despite the many differences. Each story provides a learning curve from culture to culture about historical events though the medium of storytelling. Separate cultures develop over time, and it would be fair to say that it inevitable that some events are going to become overlapped and repeated throughout different historical and religious texts.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Out of Control Alter Ego Essay -- Literary Analysis

The story â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde† by Robert Louis Stevenson conveys the theme of duality in nature in which man is fighting himself, or in this case, another version of himself. Being a psychology major, it is interesting to see a case this serious over how an alter ego can control the main psyche up to the point where it no longer conveys influence, but instead manipulation. In order to understand the control an alter ego can eventually have on the individual, it is important to comprehend exactly what an alter ego is and how an individual can lose dominance over it. A common misconception with this story is the readers’ belief that Dr. Jekyll suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia (also called dementia praecox) is a psychotic disorder characterized by progressive deterioration of the personality, withdrawal from reality, hallucinations, delusions, social apathy, and emotional instability. In layman’s terms, someone who suffers from schizophrenia is born with this disease and believes they hear voices, or see images, in their minds commanding them to complete certain tasks. They have no idea who the voices are or when they came to exist, but eventually they give into the demands in order to silence the voices. Subsequently, they withdraw themselves from society in the process. These symptoms do not accurately match up with the symptoms of Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll did extract himself towards the end of the story only because he could no longer manipulate his transformations. Nothing in the story reveals him being born with such a disease. Due to this, he cannot be classified as a schizophrenic. Another universal misconception is that Mr. Hyde is Dr. Jekyll’s split personality. This seems comprehensible ... ... song represents the emotions tied in with someone who has an alter ego. The movie â€Å"Mr. Brooks† is a reflection of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and how he battled with himself to contain control over his mind and his nature. This is how each source reflects the story of â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†. Works Cited Stevenson, R. Louis. "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." The Norton Anthology. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. Print. Mr. Brooks. Dir. Bruce A. Evans. Perf. Kevin Costner. Blockbuster: 2007, Film. Celesty. â€Å"Demon Inside.† Song and lyrics retrieved 3 May 2012. Hamilton, John. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Web. 3 April 2012. Florentino, Sonya. â€Å"Alter Ego†. Poems by Sonya Florentino. New York, New York. Penguin Publishing. 2009. 48. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cell Phone

Tia Jeffries English 101 Mrs. Baker 17 March 2013 Positive Effects of Cellular Phones in Society The cellular phone is perhaps one of the greatest innovations known to man. The cellular phone coupled with technological advancements has influenced the lives of people from all lifestyles globally. However, the cellular phone has undergone massive evolution over time from the bulky hand-held telephone at its beginning to the hand-held mobile devices it is today. Through evolution the cellular phone has a positive effect on society. The cellular phone started essentially as a communication device.However, it has evolved into a personal organizer, a mobile office, an instrument of distribution of culture and knowledge among other utilities. The society has seemingly evolved alongside the cellular phone. Notable, is the effect the cellular phone has had on the manner the society communicates, engages in business, entertains itself, and generates popular culture (Hanson 213). The present so ciety is so reliable on the cellular phone that it cannot imagine a day without it. In essence, the cellular phone has helped today’s society to be what it is by influencing literary every aspect of living in the twenty-first century.This includes being interconnected, more knowledgeable, innovative, and globalized. What follows are a few aspects of the society that have benefitted from the cellular phone. Communication is perhaps the single biggest gain for the society because of cellular phones. Although this was the original intention of the cellular phones during their inception, advancements in this area has seen increased benefits to the society (Murray 59). To begin with, people may easily keep in touch globally through voice services and short messaging services (sms) also known as texting (Baldwin, n. d. . In addition, advanced models of cellular phones allow sending of electronic mail and sharing of photos and videos (Pandey, 2012). Major advancements in the increas e of frequencies of cellular communication and broadening of data transfer bandwidths allow exchange of large contents of information. One of such advancements that come with improved cellular phone models is video calls that allow regular phone voice calls to be accompanied by videos of the caller and the receiver (Katz 212). This gives a near realistic effect to communication that resembles face-to-face communication.Increased accessibility to mobile devises has also contributed greatly to the number of people able to communicate using cellular phones (Pandey, 2012). Cellular phones have also drastically reduced the cost of communication. This has been occasioned by the low costs of calling as compare to the previous models of using fixed line telephones, which cost more especially for long distance calls. In addition, the cost of the cellular phones themselves has drastically reduced due to increased competition among manufactures and improved manufacturing technologies. The fact that cellular phones are hand-held devices makes communication convenient.One can communicate while engaging in other activities like walking, queuing at a bank or supermarket, and riding in a bus, train, or car. This allows people to multitask which saves time (Pandey, 2012). Cellular phones have increased the level of safety and the feeling of security in the society. This is because a cell phone is a mobile device that is carried by people everywhere they are. Therefore, the cell phone becomes useful in times of emergency. For instance, one may call for help in cases of motor accidents, sudden sickness, robbery, elevator failure, and other similar events (Stewart, 2008).In fact, cell phones are coded at the manufacturing factory, with emergency call numbers that one can use, even if one does not have calling units; what is referred to as emergency service. These include 911, police line numbers, ambulance numbers, customer care numbers for calling the cell phone service provider s among others. There are also other service numbers that may be used on emergencies where the receiver of the call absorbs the calling charge also known as 0-800- service. The cellular phone, through GPS may be used to track individuals and determine the location of a cell phone carrier.For example, parents can keep track of their children through this service (Goggin 136). This is especially useful when dealing with teenage children who may sometimes involve themselves in deviant behavior if not well supervised by the parents. In addition, if one is lost, one can determine the location by using the GPS service in the cellular phone (Stewart, 2008). In fact, this service may also be used to track vehicles in case of a car robbery. This works by fitting a vehicle with a SIM card, which the vehicle owner can communicate with to determine the vehicle’s location.The cellular phone acts as a transmitter, which makes this kind of tracking possible (Unhelkar 36). This application h as also gained prominence in the tracking of lost cellular phones even if they are switched off. The Samsung Corporation presently has phone tracking as a standard feature in its cellular phone models, which makes it possible for a person to track a lost or stolen phone. Cellular phones have greatly reduced in size since their inception. This has made them become known as mobile devices meaning they can be easily be carried along, fitting in confined spaces like in the pocket of an individual.The miniaturization of this device has gained much from advancement in technology. One of these gains is from the increase in range that the device can be used. Cellular phones can now be used over longer ranges than before (Baldwin, n. d. ). Secondly, the cellular phone incorporates multiple devices, all compressed into a mobile device. Thirdly, with the use of accessories like hands free, the cellular phone may allow increased mobility of the user (Unhelkar 98). Fourthly, the present cellular phone has almost similar capabilities as a laptop computer, only smaller.For instance, the Iphone by Apple Inc. is able to do anything, similar to a regular laptop (Goggin 77). However, the Iphone has the advantage is being smaller thus enhancing mobility of the user. Cellular phones have gained tremendously from major technological advancements to the benefit of the society. Originally, cellular phones only provided voice call services. However, cellular phones now provide a varied bouquet of services, which include messaging, video calls and video conferencing, chatting, and sharing of photos (Stewart, 2008).Major innovations in cellular phones have seen them become more that communication devises due to incorporation of other functionalities. Firstly, one of these functionalities includes calculators, alarms, and reminders, which assist in personal organization (Easton 291). Secondly, the cellular phone has incorporated entertainment applications, which include games, music, and video playing capabilities (Goggin 130). Thirdly, the cellular phone has also incorporated traditional mass communication devises like the television and radio (Hanson 73).Finally, the cellular phone now includes cameras, voice and video recorders and flashlights (Hanson 91). All this make the cellular phone a compact tool with multiple functions for the convenience of the user. The cellular phones have contributed to enhancement of economic productivity in various ways. Firstly, cell phones have removed the necessity of physical meetings by offering video conferencing services and other services where more than two people can speech to each other at the same time (Baldwin, n. d. ). Secondly, business transactions can take place faster and remotely.For instance, one can pay for goods using mobile money transfers via cell phones without having to send the money physically (Easton 19). Thirdly, cellular phones now have several applications like calendars, reminders, voice recorders, alarms, and note keepers that help in the organization of the activities of an individual (Admin, 2010). Lastly, businesses can now advertise their products through the cellular phone. Such advertisements come in form of text messages and picture messages and may sometimes be accompanied with prize rewards (Easton 121).This phenomenon is proliferated by the low cost of using cellular phones as opposed to the traditional advertisement that uses commercials and posters to get the attention of probable customers. All this applications have improved efficiency and convenience of doing business while keeping the cost low thus enhancing productivity. The cellular phone has immensely increased the access to internet and its related services. It is now possible to obtain an internet-enabled cellular phone at a low price depending of the connectivity technology used.There are several technologies in use for accessing internet via cellular phones and these include GPRS, EDGE, 2G, WAP, 3G, 3. 5G, UTMS, and HSPDA among others (Hanson 42). These technologies differ in speed, range, and volume transfer capabilities. Access to internet opens up a world of other possibilities of applications of the cellular phone, which include modes of communication, commerce, knowledge acquisition, health and other social issues. For instance, increased internet access increases the proliferation of online communities where individuals can discuss and share their interests through social media (Katz 78).Secondly, increased access to internet facilitates commerce. This includes online business transactions, marketing, and product improvement through customer feedback among others (Hanson 59). Thirdly, it broadens and even transforms the ways of doing business by offering low cost alternatives suitable for small business startups, which may have a positive effect in the society’s wellbeing (Unhelkar 41). Lastly, increased internet access facilitates globalization (Katz 33). This is due to the increased sharing of culture and broadening of economies without the confines of geographical borders.It is evident that the cellular phone has had profound effect on the society, which is largely positive. These include enhanced communication speeds and quality, increased feeling of security among individuals, increased mobility of the user and advancement in technology, which has brought many devices and functionalities into the cellular phone. In addition, the cellular phone has contributed immensely to increased productivity and increased internet access. From these aspects, the society has gained much from the cell phone. Works Cited Admin. â€Å"Cell Phones and Their Positive Effects in the Society. Cell Phone Brands and News for Cell Phone Fans. N. P. , 30 Aug. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. They have played an important and positive role when it comes to the operation of different businesses. Baldwin, Anya. â€Å"Positive Effects of Cellphone Technology in the Workplace. † Small Business. n. d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. Multiple Lines, More Direct Line of Communication, On-Call Availability, and Texting, is all available when using a cell phone. Easton, Jaclyn. Going Wireless: Transform Your Business with Mobile Technology. New York: Harper Business, 2002. Print.In this journalist story, Jaclyn Easton talks about the advantages of wirelessly fortifying your mobile workforce of itinerant executive, sales personnel, also field service technicians as well as how wireless is dramatically redefining customer service, marketing advertising. Goggin, Gerard. Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life. London: Routledge, 2006. Print. Drawing on a range of national, regional, and international examples, this text explores the new forms of consumption and use of communication and media technology that the phenomenon of mobiles represents.Hanson, Jarice. 24/7: How Cell Phones and the Internet Change the Way We Live, Work, and Play. Westport, Conn: P raeger, 2007. Print. The revolution in online services and mobile phone use changed our lives at the turn of the 21st century. This book demonstrates that these technologies enable us to work and play 24/7 Katz, James. Magic in the Air: Mobile Communication and the Transformation of Social Life. New Brunswick, N. J: Transaction Publishers, 2006. Print. In this volume, James E. Katz, a leading authority on social consequences of communication technology, nalyzes the way new mobile telecommunications affect daily life both in the United States and around the world. Murray, James. Wireless Nation: The Frenzied Launch of the Cellular Revolution in America. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub. , 2001. Print. Wireless Nation details how the genesis of the cell phone business†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. But this colorful, engaging account of cellular's strange history is much more than a business narrative. Pandey, Kundan. Advantages of mobile phones. 3 December 2012. Web. 15 March 2013. It is hard to im agine a world without cell phones now. Stewart, Douglas. How Cell Phones Have Changed Our Lives. † Articlesbase. com. 28 May 2008. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. Cell phones made multitasking a brand new meaning. You can talk to family members that far away, if you are lost you have GPS or can call for help. Many more advantages come from cell phones. Cell phones are a great asset in aiding in our everyday lives. Unhelkar, Bhuvan. Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological, and Social Perspectives. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print. This book collects the latest research advances in the rapidly evolving field of mobile business Cell Phone Tia Jeffries English 101 Mrs. Baker 17 March 2013 Positive Effects of Cellular Phones in Society The cellular phone is perhaps one of the greatest innovations known to man. The cellular phone coupled with technological advancements has influenced the lives of people from all lifestyles globally. However, the cellular phone has undergone massive evolution over time from the bulky hand-held telephone at its beginning to the hand-held mobile devices it is today. Through evolution the cellular phone has a positive effect on society. The cellular phone started essentially as a communication device.However, it has evolved into a personal organizer, a mobile office, an instrument of distribution of culture and knowledge among other utilities. The society has seemingly evolved alongside the cellular phone. Notable, is the effect the cellular phone has had on the manner the society communicates, engages in business, entertains itself, and generates popular culture (Hanson 213). The present so ciety is so reliable on the cellular phone that it cannot imagine a day without it. In essence, the cellular phone has helped today’s society to be what it is by influencing literary every aspect of living in the twenty-first century.This includes being interconnected, more knowledgeable, innovative, and globalized. What follows are a few aspects of the society that have benefitted from the cellular phone. Communication is perhaps the single biggest gain for the society because of cellular phones. Although this was the original intention of the cellular phones during their inception, advancements in this area has seen increased benefits to the society (Murray 59). To begin with, people may easily keep in touch globally through voice services and short messaging services (sms) also known as texting (Baldwin, n. d. . In addition, advanced models of cellular phones allow sending of electronic mail and sharing of photos and videos (Pandey, 2012). Major advancements in the increas e of frequencies of cellular communication and broadening of data transfer bandwidths allow exchange of large contents of information. One of such advancements that come with improved cellular phone models is video calls that allow regular phone voice calls to be accompanied by videos of the caller and the receiver (Katz 212). This gives a near realistic effect to communication that resembles face-to-face communication.Increased accessibility to mobile devises has also contributed greatly to the number of people able to communicate using cellular phones (Pandey, 2012). Cellular phones have also drastically reduced the cost of communication. This has been occasioned by the low costs of calling as compare to the previous models of using fixed line telephones, which cost more especially for long distance calls. In addition, the cost of the cellular phones themselves has drastically reduced due to increased competition among manufactures and improved manufacturing technologies. The fact that cellular phones are hand-held devices makes communication convenient.One can communicate while engaging in other activities like walking, queuing at a bank or supermarket, and riding in a bus, train, or car. This allows people to multitask which saves time (Pandey, 2012). Cellular phones have increased the level of safety and the feeling of security in the society. This is because a cell phone is a mobile device that is carried by people everywhere they are. Therefore, the cell phone becomes useful in times of emergency. For instance, one may call for help in cases of motor accidents, sudden sickness, robbery, elevator failure, and other similar events (Stewart, 2008).In fact, cell phones are coded at the manufacturing factory, with emergency call numbers that one can use, even if one does not have calling units; what is referred to as emergency service. These include 911, police line numbers, ambulance numbers, customer care numbers for calling the cell phone service provider s among others. There are also other service numbers that may be used on emergencies where the receiver of the call absorbs the calling charge also known as 0-800- service. The cellular phone, through GPS may be used to track individuals and determine the location of a cell phone carrier.For example, parents can keep track of their children through this service (Goggin 136). This is especially useful when dealing with teenage children who may sometimes involve themselves in deviant behavior if not well supervised by the parents. In addition, if one is lost, one can determine the location by using the GPS service in the cellular phone (Stewart, 2008). In fact, this service may also be used to track vehicles in case of a car robbery. This works by fitting a vehicle with a SIM card, which the vehicle owner can communicate with to determine the vehicle’s location.The cellular phone acts as a transmitter, which makes this kind of tracking possible (Unhelkar 36). This application h as also gained prominence in the tracking of lost cellular phones even if they are switched off. The Samsung Corporation presently has phone tracking as a standard feature in its cellular phone models, which makes it possible for a person to track a lost or stolen phone. Cellular phones have greatly reduced in size since their inception. This has made them become known as mobile devices meaning they can be easily be carried along, fitting in confined spaces like in the pocket of an individual.The miniaturization of this device has gained much from advancement in technology. One of these gains is from the increase in range that the device can be used. Cellular phones can now be used over longer ranges than before (Baldwin, n. d. ). Secondly, the cellular phone incorporates multiple devices, all compressed into a mobile device. Thirdly, with the use of accessories like hands free, the cellular phone may allow increased mobility of the user (Unhelkar 98). Fourthly, the present cellular phone has almost similar capabilities as a laptop computer, only smaller.For instance, the Iphone by Apple Inc. is able to do anything, similar to a regular laptop (Goggin 77). However, the Iphone has the advantage is being smaller thus enhancing mobility of the user. Cellular phones have gained tremendously from major technological advancements to the benefit of the society. Originally, cellular phones only provided voice call services. However, cellular phones now provide a varied bouquet of services, which include messaging, video calls and video conferencing, chatting, and sharing of photos (Stewart, 2008).Major innovations in cellular phones have seen them become more that communication devises due to incorporation of other functionalities. Firstly, one of these functionalities includes calculators, alarms, and reminders, which assist in personal organization (Easton 291). Secondly, the cellular phone has incorporated entertainment applications, which include games, music, and video playing capabilities (Goggin 130). Thirdly, the cellular phone has also incorporated traditional mass communication devises like the television and radio (Hanson 73).Finally, the cellular phone now includes cameras, voice and video recorders and flashlights (Hanson 91). All this make the cellular phone a compact tool with multiple functions for the convenience of the user. The cellular phones have contributed to enhancement of economic productivity in various ways. Firstly, cell phones have removed the necessity of physical meetings by offering video conferencing services and other services where more than two people can speech to each other at the same time (Baldwin, n. d. ). Secondly, business transactions can take place faster and remotely.For instance, one can pay for goods using mobile money transfers via cell phones without having to send the money physically (Easton 19). Thirdly, cellular phones now have several applications like calendars, reminders, voice recorders, alarms, and note keepers that help in the organization of the activities of an individual (Admin, 2010). Lastly, businesses can now advertise their products through the cellular phone. Such advertisements come in form of text messages and picture messages and may sometimes be accompanied with prize rewards (Easton 121).This phenomenon is proliferated by the low cost of using cellular phones as opposed to the traditional advertisement that uses commercials and posters to get the attention of probable customers. All this applications have improved efficiency and convenience of doing business while keeping the cost low thus enhancing productivity. The cellular phone has immensely increased the access to internet and its related services. It is now possible to obtain an internet-enabled cellular phone at a low price depending of the connectivity technology used.There are several technologies in use for accessing internet via cellular phones and these include GPRS, EDGE, 2G, WAP, 3G, 3. 5G, UTMS, and HSPDA among others (Hanson 42). These technologies differ in speed, range, and volume transfer capabilities. Access to internet opens up a world of other possibilities of applications of the cellular phone, which include modes of communication, commerce, knowledge acquisition, health and other social issues. For instance, increased internet access increases the proliferation of online communities where individuals can discuss and share their interests through social media (Katz 78).Secondly, increased access to internet facilitates commerce. This includes online business transactions, marketing, and product improvement through customer feedback among others (Hanson 59). Thirdly, it broadens and even transforms the ways of doing business by offering low cost alternatives suitable for small business startups, which may have a positive effect in the society’s wellbeing (Unhelkar 41). Lastly, increased internet access facilitates globalization (Katz 33). This is due to the increased sharing of culture and broadening of economies without the confines of geographical borders.It is evident that the cellular phone has had profound effect on the society, which is largely positive. These include enhanced communication speeds and quality, increased feeling of security among individuals, increased mobility of the user and advancement in technology, which has brought many devices and functionalities into the cellular phone. In addition, the cellular phone has contributed immensely to increased productivity and increased internet access. From these aspects, the society has gained much from the cell phone. Works Cited Admin. â€Å"Cell Phones and Their Positive Effects in the Society. Cell Phone Brands and News for Cell Phone Fans. N. P. , 30 Aug. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. They have played an important and positive role when it comes to the operation of different businesses. Baldwin, Anya. â€Å"Positive Effects of Cellphone Technology in the Workplace. † Small Business. n. d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. Multiple Lines, More Direct Line of Communication, On-Call Availability, and Texting, is all available when using a cell phone. Easton, Jaclyn. Going Wireless: Transform Your Business with Mobile Technology. New York: Harper Business, 2002. Print.In this journalist story, Jaclyn Easton talks about the advantages of wirelessly fortifying your mobile workforce of itinerant executive, sales personnel, also field service technicians as well as how wireless is dramatically redefining customer service, marketing advertising. Goggin, Gerard. Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life. London: Routledge, 2006. Print. Drawing on a range of national, regional, and international examples, this text explores the new forms of consumption and use of communication and media technology that the phenomenon of mobiles represents.Hanson, Jarice. 24/7: How Cell Phones and the Internet Change the Way We Live, Work, and Play. Westport, Conn: P raeger, 2007. Print. The revolution in online services and mobile phone use changed our lives at the turn of the 21st century. This book demonstrates that these technologies enable us to work and play 24/7 Katz, James. Magic in the Air: Mobile Communication and the Transformation of Social Life. New Brunswick, N. J: Transaction Publishers, 2006. Print. In this volume, James E. Katz, a leading authority on social consequences of communication technology, nalyzes the way new mobile telecommunications affect daily life both in the United States and around the world. Murray, James. Wireless Nation: The Frenzied Launch of the Cellular Revolution in America. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub. , 2001. Print. Wireless Nation details how the genesis of the cell phone business†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. But this colorful, engaging account of cellular's strange history is much more than a business narrative. Pandey, Kundan. Advantages of mobile phones. 3 December 2012. Web. 15 March 2013. It is hard to im agine a world without cell phones now. Stewart, Douglas. How Cell Phones Have Changed Our Lives. † Articlesbase. com. 28 May 2008. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. Cell phones made multitasking a brand new meaning. You can talk to family members that far away, if you are lost you have GPS or can call for help. Many more advantages come from cell phones. Cell phones are a great asset in aiding in our everyday lives. Unhelkar, Bhuvan. Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological, and Social Perspectives. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print. This book collects the latest research advances in the rapidly evolving field of mobile business Cell Phone Tia Jeffries English 101 Mrs. Baker 17 March 2013 Positive Effects of Cellular Phones in Society The cellular phone is perhaps one of the greatest innovations known to man. The cellular phone coupled with technological advancements has influenced the lives of people from all lifestyles globally. However, the cellular phone has undergone massive evolution over time from the bulky hand-held telephone at its beginning to the hand-held mobile devices it is today. Through evolution the cellular phone has a positive effect on society. The cellular phone started essentially as a communication device.However, it has evolved into a personal organizer, a mobile office, an instrument of distribution of culture and knowledge among other utilities. The society has seemingly evolved alongside the cellular phone. Notable, is the effect the cellular phone has had on the manner the society communicates, engages in business, entertains itself, and generates popular culture (Hanson 213). The present so ciety is so reliable on the cellular phone that it cannot imagine a day without it. In essence, the cellular phone has helped today’s society to be what it is by influencing literary every aspect of living in the twenty-first century.This includes being interconnected, more knowledgeable, innovative, and globalized. What follows are a few aspects of the society that have benefitted from the cellular phone. Communication is perhaps the single biggest gain for the society because of cellular phones. Although this was the original intention of the cellular phones during their inception, advancements in this area has seen increased benefits to the society (Murray 59). To begin with, people may easily keep in touch globally through voice services and short messaging services (sms) also known as texting (Baldwin, n. d. . In addition, advanced models of cellular phones allow sending of electronic mail and sharing of photos and videos (Pandey, 2012). Major advancements in the increas e of frequencies of cellular communication and broadening of data transfer bandwidths allow exchange of large contents of information. One of such advancements that come with improved cellular phone models is video calls that allow regular phone voice calls to be accompanied by videos of the caller and the receiver (Katz 212). This gives a near realistic effect to communication that resembles face-to-face communication.Increased accessibility to mobile devises has also contributed greatly to the number of people able to communicate using cellular phones (Pandey, 2012). Cellular phones have also drastically reduced the cost of communication. This has been occasioned by the low costs of calling as compare to the previous models of using fixed line telephones, which cost more especially for long distance calls. In addition, the cost of the cellular phones themselves has drastically reduced due to increased competition among manufactures and improved manufacturing technologies. The fact that cellular phones are hand-held devices makes communication convenient.One can communicate while engaging in other activities like walking, queuing at a bank or supermarket, and riding in a bus, train, or car. This allows people to multitask which saves time (Pandey, 2012). Cellular phones have increased the level of safety and the feeling of security in the society. This is because a cell phone is a mobile device that is carried by people everywhere they are. Therefore, the cell phone becomes useful in times of emergency. For instance, one may call for help in cases of motor accidents, sudden sickness, robbery, elevator failure, and other similar events (Stewart, 2008).In fact, cell phones are coded at the manufacturing factory, with emergency call numbers that one can use, even if one does not have calling units; what is referred to as emergency service. These include 911, police line numbers, ambulance numbers, customer care numbers for calling the cell phone service provider s among others. There are also other service numbers that may be used on emergencies where the receiver of the call absorbs the calling charge also known as 0-800- service. The cellular phone, through GPS may be used to track individuals and determine the location of a cell phone carrier.For example, parents can keep track of their children through this service (Goggin 136). This is especially useful when dealing with teenage children who may sometimes involve themselves in deviant behavior if not well supervised by the parents. In addition, if one is lost, one can determine the location by using the GPS service in the cellular phone (Stewart, 2008). In fact, this service may also be used to track vehicles in case of a car robbery. This works by fitting a vehicle with a SIM card, which the vehicle owner can communicate with to determine the vehicle’s location.The cellular phone acts as a transmitter, which makes this kind of tracking possible (Unhelkar 36). This application h as also gained prominence in the tracking of lost cellular phones even if they are switched off. The Samsung Corporation presently has phone tracking as a standard feature in its cellular phone models, which makes it possible for a person to track a lost or stolen phone. Cellular phones have greatly reduced in size since their inception. This has made them become known as mobile devices meaning they can be easily be carried along, fitting in confined spaces like in the pocket of an individual.The miniaturization of this device has gained much from advancement in technology. One of these gains is from the increase in range that the device can be used. Cellular phones can now be used over longer ranges than before (Baldwin, n. d. ). Secondly, the cellular phone incorporates multiple devices, all compressed into a mobile device. Thirdly, with the use of accessories like hands free, the cellular phone may allow increased mobility of the user (Unhelkar 98). Fourthly, the present cellular phone has almost similar capabilities as a laptop computer, only smaller.For instance, the Iphone by Apple Inc. is able to do anything, similar to a regular laptop (Goggin 77). However, the Iphone has the advantage is being smaller thus enhancing mobility of the user. Cellular phones have gained tremendously from major technological advancements to the benefit of the society. Originally, cellular phones only provided voice call services. However, cellular phones now provide a varied bouquet of services, which include messaging, video calls and video conferencing, chatting, and sharing of photos (Stewart, 2008).Major innovations in cellular phones have seen them become more that communication devises due to incorporation of other functionalities. Firstly, one of these functionalities includes calculators, alarms, and reminders, which assist in personal organization (Easton 291). Secondly, the cellular phone has incorporated entertainment applications, which include games, music, and video playing capabilities (Goggin 130). Thirdly, the cellular phone has also incorporated traditional mass communication devises like the television and radio (Hanson 73).Finally, the cellular phone now includes cameras, voice and video recorders and flashlights (Hanson 91). All this make the cellular phone a compact tool with multiple functions for the convenience of the user. The cellular phones have contributed to enhancement of economic productivity in various ways. Firstly, cell phones have removed the necessity of physical meetings by offering video conferencing services and other services where more than two people can speech to each other at the same time (Baldwin, n. d. ). Secondly, business transactions can take place faster and remotely.For instance, one can pay for goods using mobile money transfers via cell phones without having to send the money physically (Easton 19). Thirdly, cellular phones now have several applications like calendars, reminders, voice recorders, alarms, and note keepers that help in the organization of the activities of an individual (Admin, 2010). Lastly, businesses can now advertise their products through the cellular phone. Such advertisements come in form of text messages and picture messages and may sometimes be accompanied with prize rewards (Easton 121).This phenomenon is proliferated by the low cost of using cellular phones as opposed to the traditional advertisement that uses commercials and posters to get the attention of probable customers. All this applications have improved efficiency and convenience of doing business while keeping the cost low thus enhancing productivity. The cellular phone has immensely increased the access to internet and its related services. It is now possible to obtain an internet-enabled cellular phone at a low price depending of the connectivity technology used.There are several technologies in use for accessing internet via cellular phones and these include GPRS, EDGE, 2G, WAP, 3G, 3. 5G, UTMS, and HSPDA among others (Hanson 42). These technologies differ in speed, range, and volume transfer capabilities. Access to internet opens up a world of other possibilities of applications of the cellular phone, which include modes of communication, commerce, knowledge acquisition, health and other social issues. For instance, increased internet access increases the proliferation of online communities where individuals can discuss and share their interests through social media (Katz 78).Secondly, increased access to internet facilitates commerce. This includes online business transactions, marketing, and product improvement through customer feedback among others (Hanson 59). Thirdly, it broadens and even transforms the ways of doing business by offering low cost alternatives suitable for small business startups, which may have a positive effect in the society’s wellbeing (Unhelkar 41). Lastly, increased internet access facilitates globalization (Katz 33). This is due to the increased sharing of culture and broadening of economies without the confines of geographical borders.It is evident that the cellular phone has had profound effect on the society, which is largely positive. These include enhanced communication speeds and quality, increased feeling of security among individuals, increased mobility of the user and advancement in technology, which has brought many devices and functionalities into the cellular phone. In addition, the cellular phone has contributed immensely to increased productivity and increased internet access. From these aspects, the society has gained much from the cell phone. Works Cited Admin. â€Å"Cell Phones and Their Positive Effects in the Society. Cell Phone Brands and News for Cell Phone Fans. N. P. , 30 Aug. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. They have played an important and positive role when it comes to the operation of different businesses. Baldwin, Anya. â€Å"Positive Effects of Cellphone Technology in the Workplace. † Small Business. n. d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. Multiple Lines, More Direct Line of Communication, On-Call Availability, and Texting, is all available when using a cell phone. Easton, Jaclyn. Going Wireless: Transform Your Business with Mobile Technology. New York: Harper Business, 2002. Print.In this journalist story, Jaclyn Easton talks about the advantages of wirelessly fortifying your mobile workforce of itinerant executive, sales personnel, also field service technicians as well as how wireless is dramatically redefining customer service, marketing advertising. Goggin, Gerard. Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life. London: Routledge, 2006. Print. Drawing on a range of national, regional, and international examples, this text explores the new forms of consumption and use of communication and media technology that the phenomenon of mobiles represents.Hanson, Jarice. 24/7: How Cell Phones and the Internet Change the Way We Live, Work, and Play. Westport, Conn: P raeger, 2007. Print. The revolution in online services and mobile phone use changed our lives at the turn of the 21st century. This book demonstrates that these technologies enable us to work and play 24/7 Katz, James. Magic in the Air: Mobile Communication and the Transformation of Social Life. New Brunswick, N. J: Transaction Publishers, 2006. Print. In this volume, James E. Katz, a leading authority on social consequences of communication technology, nalyzes the way new mobile telecommunications affect daily life both in the United States and around the world. Murray, James. Wireless Nation: The Frenzied Launch of the Cellular Revolution in America. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub. , 2001. Print. Wireless Nation details how the genesis of the cell phone business†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. But this colorful, engaging account of cellular's strange history is much more than a business narrative. Pandey, Kundan. Advantages of mobile phones. 3 December 2012. Web. 15 March 2013. It is hard to im agine a world without cell phones now. Stewart, Douglas. How Cell Phones Have Changed Our Lives. † Articlesbase. com. 28 May 2008. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. Cell phones made multitasking a brand new meaning. You can talk to family members that far away, if you are lost you have GPS or can call for help. Many more advantages come from cell phones. Cell phones are a great asset in aiding in our everyday lives. Unhelkar, Bhuvan. Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological, and Social Perspectives. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print. This book collects the latest research advances in the rapidly evolving field of mobile business

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bread Givers By Anzia Yezierka

The correct date of the birth of Anzia Yezierka is not know but it was in between 1880 or 1885 in a village in Poland. Her father being a Talmudic scholar could not earn therefore the family was living on the money her mother was earning by selling peddling goods and also from the neighbors contribution that were thrilled they way the entire family was being run without her father earning anything. THE NOVEL BREAD GIVERS Her story Bread Givers is based upon the life of a 10 year old American Jewish female who is doing stuff beyond her age.This story is about Sara Smolinksky. She lives with her father Reb Smolinsky, her mother Shenah Smolinsky and her three sister Mashah, Bessie and Fania in a East side apartment in New York. The story opens with the mentioning of the family who are very poor with five women who are besieged for cash just to survive and the man of the house Reb Smolinsky is only concerned with studying the sacred text of Jews. The family is about to starve. Saraâ€⠄¢s elder sisters Fania, Bessie and Mashah are jobless and Mashah spends what money she has on herself just to make her beautiful.The man of the house Reb Smolinsky sits at home all day long, just reading the holy books of Jews and confiscating whatever money his daughters bring home, and this is his duty as a father. When Sara’s mother Shenah Smolinsky shows hopelessness over the entire condition, the youngest daughter Sara goes to the outside world to make some money for the family by selling herring. Than later her elders sisters also find some jobs and Shenah (their mother) gives the second room on rent which somewhat enhances the financial position of the family.Well behaved and quite Bessie soon starts to love a young man name Berel Berenstein. She asks him to come home for dinner. The entire family is happy for Bessie other than her very own father, who thinks that he won’t be able to survive as Bessie was bringing the most money. Berel wants to get married to B essie with nothing in return but her father says that Berel should give money for the whole wedding and also set him a business. This offer is refused by Berel and he goes out of the house. Later he asks Bessie to leave her father and marry him; this offer is rejected by Bessie.Berel gets engaged to another girl, which crushes Bessie’s heart. The next daughter to find love is Mashah. Her love is also believed to be inappropriate by her father. Her love is from a rich family who is a piano player by the name of Jacob Novak. Reb Smolinsky totally disapproved and somehow blackmails Jacob so that he may stay away from Mashah for numerous days thus breaking her heart. Later Jacob asks for pardon which Mashah does not give him and asks her father to kick him out of the house. Fania’s lover is also disapproved by her father who happens to be a poet who is poor.His name is Morris Lipkin. Morris is shown the door by Fania’s father again. Reb Smolinsky than finds his own suitors for his three daughter which makes them all sad. The youngest daughter Sara watches all of this and is very angry at her father because what he has done to her elder sisters, but because of she being a girl and her tender age leaves her helpless. Reb Smolinsky spends almost his entire life ready the Torah and other Holy Jewish books. He is living in his own world where there is only religion, a place which is highly unsuited with what the rest of his family are living.His entire day and night are mainly concerned on the assurance of heaven and contributing generous assistance to other people, which makes him not to realize that on Earth, a man needs to assure that his family are being fed before the strangers. When on a holy work, men seem to be kind and good and also they value the significance of the study, he tries to explain this knowledge to the outside world where sometime people do not even care what your reason is for not giving them anything and try to deceive you t hrough any means. The thing which is most damaging not only to him but also the outside world is he being extremely knowledgeable.He takes this the wrong way and thinks that the outside world is as knowledgeable as he is and at times makes some rather silly decision without consulting his wife who is more sensible. After his decisions thought to be badly made, he does not accept it and makes the decision to be more shameful rather than admitting that he was wrong about it. In Spite of the numerous warnings by Mrs. Smolinsky, her husband Reb takes all the money which he had gotten from Bessie’s marriage and invests into a grocery store which the last owner had fake stock kept all over. He is double crossed. Mrs.Smolinsky and Sara must again act quickly to survive and each day they get more anger from Reb. A day comes when Sara loses it and runs away and decides that she wants to become a teacher. She decides to stay with her sister Mashah or Bessie but because of a bad marriag e and being too poor she does not. She gets her own private room which is dirty and small. She finds a job in a laundry shop to pay for the room and her nights are used up in either taking classes or studying. The main motivating force in the life of Sara is to find her own description of light that she sees glowing from her father.When she was a child she desired for anything that would motivate her, like the poetry of Morris Lipkin did sometimes. She dreamt of becoming a teacher when she was just a teen, so that all of the eyes are focused on her like they are on her father when he is preaching. She manages to find books which motivate her day after day. She later gives up Max Goldstein as because of him she would have left her education, she calms herself by saying that this sacrifice by her is like the rejection of the world’s success by her father to better study the Torah.When she gets to know that what is meant by inner light, the first thing that comes in her mind tha t this she would like to share with her father, thinking that he is the one who will understand what she is thinking. She decides that she wants to gain knowledge more than anything else in the world and she gives her entire time and force to obtain that knowledge like her father does when he is studying his books. In her mission to find internal light, Sara is perfects her logic of fury at the unfairness by many people.Even though she has no sort of man backing, still she is tough to be angry at a restaurant cook who gives her a less amount of meat only due to the fact that she is a woman. She is also angry at Jacob and Berel for breaking her sister’s heart and her hate for her father starts when she sees that he is denying them a life of their own. This fighting of injustice is what makes Sara and her father to reunite again and this is motivated by the promise of her mother to take care of her father when she is lying on her death bed.When she sees the way his new wife is treating her father, she decided to live with her father under the same house. The light of her father seems to be finishing but only Sara knows that it is vital that it should be lit. The path that Sara chooses is not easy. She faces favoritism for being a woman and also because she is living alone, her fellow employees shuns her, her mother wants her to come back, her elder sisters who are unhappy with their life want Sara to find herself a husband.Sara is very lonely and when she meets a friend of Fania, whose name is Max Goldstein, she thinks of getting married to him but later refuses as she comes to know that Max is not interested in her but her possessions. When her father hears about this, he is so angry at Sara that he quickly says that Sara is no longer his daughter. For Sara another fight is her College besides the loneliness and poverty she faces, but Sara wants to live a good, clean and a beautiful life like the people who are around her.She later graduates and finds a job at a New York school. She gets a good salary and with that she buys better clothes, rents a bigger and better apartment. But this ends quickly as she gets to know that her mother is sick. Even though her mother is on the sick bed, her father married another women Mrs. Feinstein who is a widow living upstairs. She is a cruel woman who decides to take money from her new stepchildren. All of the Reb’s four daughters decide to stop talking to their father. Due to her unanticipated poverty, Mrs.Feinstein writes a letter to the principal of the School where Sara is working. The principal, Hugo Seelig after reading the letter becomes more close to Sara and their friendship turns into love after they get to know that they share the same cultural heritage. This relationship helps Sara to get rid of her loneliness and after finding her happiness she decides to go back to her father, Hugo agrees with her and the novel ends with Hugo and Sara inviting Reb Smolinsky to live with them, thus making Sara’s life a happy one. Conclusion:This novel by Anzia Yezierska is based on fiction; the story of the Jewish family of the Smolinsky’s is quite the same which in reality was faces by many Jews who traveled from the Eastern part of Europe. This story tells how did Sara a young girl to struggle and than gained what she always wanted to gain. This novel tells that good knowledge is essential. It is important that you look after your family besides doing religious preaching. This story tells us that if your strong from the inside than you can overcome anything in this world. Conclusion †¢ Yezierska, Anzia. Bread Givers Publisher: Persea Books; New Ed edition (May 1